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Providing resources for Early Years settings.
Number - How can you make number 1,2,3,4,5?

Number - How can you make number 1,2,3,4,5?

A Number activity mat to help children understand the composition of each number (1,2,3,4,5). Use red, orange, yellow, green and blue cubes to make the different combinations for each number. You could pair this with the number block characters and it will support their understanding as they build the different amounts. Includes: Mat - Building numer 1, 2,3 Mat - Building number 4,5
Firework Funky Finger Pom Pom Sort

Firework Funky Finger Pom Pom Sort

Four firework themed pictures to use to develop fine motor skills. Have a selection of pom poms for children to sort and use tweezers to put them on the correct colour. They would be great linked to Bonfire Night or Diwali.
Gingerbread Man Funky Finger Pom Pom/Button Sort

Gingerbread Man Funky Finger Pom Pom/Button Sort

9 Gingerbread Men all with different coloured buttons. Use these mats to develop fine motor skills. Have a selection of different coloured pom poms or buttons for the children to sort using tweezers or a peg. They would be great to use around Christmas time or when baking Gingerbread Men.
Sparkler Sort and Roll

Sparkler Sort and Roll

Use these sparklers to support your fine motor activities. You could pair them with plastercine, playdough or loose parts. Children use their hand muscles to roll balls of plastercine or playdough and place them onto the circles. They could also use tweezers to pick up objects or lay any loose parts onto the circles. 6 mats to encourageg colour sorting and counting.
Roll and Subitise

Roll and Subitise

30 images on each sheet with a Bonfire/Fire fighter theme. Children roll a dice and then subitise or count this amount. They record this go by circling the images they counted. The first player to circle all the objects on their sheet is the winner! They can use this independently too. Keep rolling and drawing round the groups, until all pictures have been circled. Firefighter Helmet Fire engine Hose Fire
Rocket ordering 1-5

Rocket ordering 1-5

Photocopy and chop up the rocket into the separate shapes. Children order the rocket from 1-5. They add the triangle to the top and the rectangles to represent the fire. A great activity to support counting, number recognition, ordering and 2D shape.
Christmas Tree Pom Pom Funky Fingers

Christmas Tree Pom Pom Funky Fingers

6 different style Chrismtas Trees. Use tweezers or pegs to sort and count th pom poms on to to the trees. Some of the patterns will reinforce two colour repeated patterns. You could use any colourful loose parts.
Numicon / Number Snowman Match 1-10

Numicon / Number Snowman Match 1-10

10 Snowmen with the numeral on their hat and Numicon piece, made from buttons on their tummy. Cut out the hats and snowmen and match the two. They could also be used with loose parts to lay over the buttons. Practise number formation in snowy trays!